Quantcast Vegetarian StarDalai Lama Draws Steve Martin, Christie Brinkley To Peace Summit

Dalai Lama Visits Germany

The Dalai Lama has been quite a busy man.

At the age of 74, he has spent the last two months visiting Taiwan, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Poland and has now embarked on a North American tour.

At his recent stop at the Peace Summit in Vancouver, there were several celebrities on the guest list, including vegetarians Christie Brinkley and Steve Martin.

The Dalai Lama himself follows a mostly vegetarian diet, but has been criticized in the past, most publicly by Paul McCartney, for following doctors’ advice that he needed meat when he was ill.

After the Dalai Lama stated, “As Buddhists we believe in not causing any suffering to any sentient beings,” Paul wrote to him and said, “Forgive me for pointing this out, but if you eat animals then there is some suffering somewhere along the line.”

via vancouversun.com

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2 Responses to “Dalai Lama Draws Steve Martin, Christie Brinkley To Peace Summit”

  1. M Says:

    I’d had to agree with Paul. The Dalai Lama obviously had doctors who had no idea what they were talking about. If His Holiness wants to remain strong and disease-free, he should go back to the total vegetarian diet he used to eat.

  2. Iggy Thigpen Says:

    Plants have a pain response as well. This is a scientific fact. As such, he shouldn’t eat plants either.