Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrad Paisley, Kimberly Williams Keep Vegetarian Real

Brad Paisley, Kimberly Williams Keep Vegetarian Real

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 27th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

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Country music handsome chap Brad Paisley likes vegan food!

Although he still has his share of chicken tikka masala and fried lamb fritters at the Indian buffets, Brad’s developed a taste for Real Food Daily, thanks to his wife, actress Kimberly Williams, who’s had roles in According to Jim and We Are Marshall.

Brad told latimes.com:

“Another place we love to hit is Real Food Daily in Santa Monica. I would never have walked into a vegetarian restaurant before I met my wife. I was raised in West Virginia, and a well-balanced meal meant French fries and a hamburger. But now I’ll order a portabello mushroom burger on a nine-grain bun and it’s an awesome sandwich.”


Any time spent at vegan restaurants in Time Well Wasted, Brad.

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One Response to “Brad Paisley, Kimberly Williams Keep Vegetarian Real”

  1. Lisa J Says:

    Ooooh, I love Brad Paisley. His songs are funny and he’s quite the cutey.