Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlexandra Burke Can “Overcome” Eating Real Chicken

Alexandra Burke Can “Overcome” Eating Real Chicken

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 25th, 2009 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Alexandra Burke at the Death By Daylight event held at Bungalow 8 nightclub in London

Alexandra Burke may be compared to Leona Lewis for her talent and sex appeal, but the X Factor winner insists she and the vegetarian are nothing alike.

“She’s a really sweet girl,” Burke told Attitude. “I was actually happy that it wasn’t just a brief meeting, it was actually sitting down talking. Well you know she’s very laid back. I’m quite the opposite to her.

“I saw her in LA for dinner, she’s a vegan and I actually tried a vegan restaurant she goes to – not with her – but I went to one and it was actually quite nice. I was quite impressed because I like my chicken.”

Glad to hear Alexandra liked her meatless meal.

Is there a chance she will become a little like Leona and frequent the vegan restaurant scene more often?

Someone’s gotta tell her about the dozens of faux chicken she can cook at home.

Alexandra releases a new single, Bad Boys, on October 5.

Her album, Overcome, debuts October 19.

via digitalspy.com

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One Response to “Alexandra Burke Can “Overcome” Eating Real Chicken”

  1. Danielle Says:

    I don’t like chicken taste anymore, but when I did, Quorn was the best.

    That and the spicy chicken patty from Boca.