Quantcast Vegetarian StarTom DeLonge And MacBeth Shoes: Securing A Place In History

Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 - Summer U.S. Reunion Tour 2009

Blink-182 is on their highly anticipated reunion tour, with 50 U.S. dates set up.

Guitarist Tom DeLonge plays the role of multi-tasker, also having a side musical project, Angels and Airwaves, and a shoe company, MacBeth, which features trendy vegan shoes for both men and women.

“We just released a shoe from Mike Dirnt of Green Day, we having stuff coming up from Davey Havok of AFI, Frankie from My Chemical Romance, a special shoe from Muse and a lot of rad stuff,” DeLonge said. “It has taken a few years for people to realize Macbeth is a really good shoe company, and we are trying to work with the coolest bands possible. The shoes are awesome, and I think people are finally catching on, and it is doing better than it has ever done. We are securing a place in shoe history.”

Macbeth’s first shoe, The Eliot, was launched in 2002.

The rest was history.

via chron.com

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