Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrigitte Bardot Blogs To Boycott Canadian Maple Syrup

Brigitte Bardot Blogs To Boycott Canadian Maple Syrup

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 24th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Bridgitte Bardot Travels to Romania to Save Street Dogs

It’s time to break out the agave syrup for those waffles and pancakes.

Brigitte Bardot is urging everyone to boycott maple syrup made in Canada because of the country’s seal slaughter practices.

“These massive ethical reactions from consumers can sometimes convince a government or a corporation to change the way that it does business.”

“Canadian law authorizes seal pups to be legally killed as soon as they have lost their white baby fur, which happens about two weeks after birth. On the ice floes, the seals are bludgeoned, and some are skinned while still alive. Each spring, this vision of horror returns: The ice floes become an open-air slaughterhouse, where some pups are left in agony, their mothers trying desperately to revive their small bloody bodies.”

“The United States and the European Union have banned seal products, but Canada produces about 85 percent of the world’s maple syrup?the maple leaf is even the symbol of this country.”

“Refusing to buy maple syrup so as to refuse to be an accomplice to the slaughter perpetrated on the ice floes can send a strong message to Canadian officials.”

Read Brigitte’s entire post at peta.org.

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One Response to “Brigitte Bardot Blogs To Boycott Canadian Maple Syrup”

  1. Billy Says:

    Personally, I think this is a really stupid campaign. I don’t think it’s going to have an effect on Canada’s seal hunt.

    I blogged about it in my more depth on Vegan Talk, here: http://vegtalk.blogspot.com/2009/09/some-boycotts-are-just-stupid.html