Quantcast Vegetarian StarZooey Deschanel Ben Gibbard Marry Near Seattle

Zooey Deschanel Ben Gibbard Marry Near Seattle

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 21st, 2009 in Couples.

Premiere Of Fox Searchlights (500) Days Of Summer - Arrivals

Zooey Deschanel and Ben Gibbard tied the knot this weekend, according to Usmagazine.com.

As we told you earlier, both Zooey and Ben are veg and have friends/family with similar diets.

Did Zooey and Ben have a total vegan wedding like Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi?

We’ll bring you updates on the reception as we hear more.

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One Response to “Zooey Deschanel Ben Gibbard Marry Near Seattle”

  1. Tracie Says:

    Actually, she’s not fully veg.

    From the July/August issue of RELEVANT:

    While her sister Emily is an outspoken vegan, that level of commitment to an animal-free lifestyle hasn’t come as easily to Zooey.

    “I’ve dabbled in being vegan. I’ve tried to be as much in that direction as possible, not a full vegan, but I believe it is better for the environment,” Deschanel says.”And it’s a great thing to do, but I can’t all the time. I don’t do any dairy or eggs, but sometimes I eat fish.”
