Quantcast Vegetarian StarMargaret Atwood Goes Partially Veg For “The Year Of The Flood”

Prince Of Asturias Awards 2008

Author Margaret Atwood is touring seven countries to promote her new book The Year of The Flood and to raise money for Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Working for the birds has made Margaret go partially vegetarian-at least no feathered and furry friends.

Check out this portion of the interview from bloomberg.com.

Anderson: I hear you’ve turned vegetarian for the tour.

Atwood: Yes, I’ve themed myself, though I shouldn’t use the term vegetarian because I’m allowing myself gastropods, crustaceans and the occasional fish. Nothing with fur or feathers, though.

Anderson: And you’re drinking only shade-grown, bird- friendly organic coffee?

Atwood: I’m lugging around some Gorilla Coffee that I got in Brooklyn, and I just got presented tonight with a British kind, from the Monmouth Coffee place in Covent Garden. If you say you’re looking for this stuff, somebody’s going to tell you where it is. Ask and it shall be told unto you.

Anderson: Do you have an eco vice you’d care to confess?

Atwood: We sailed here on the QE2. Going on a boat tour is an eco vice, though we are carbon offsetting it through this company called Zerofootprint. But you could say, “Well, my worst eco vice is breathing.” Every time you do it, you’re letting out carbon dioxide.

For more information on Atwood’s tour, visit yearoftheflood.com.

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3 Responses to “Margaret Atwood Goes Partially Veg For “The Year Of The Flood””

  1. J.K. Says:

    Good for her!

    Maybe her compassion will extend and she will gradually become a complete vegetarian soon.

  2. VMR Says:

    I’m surprised she’s not a life long vegetarian. After reading many of her novels that imply the negative sides of eating meat (The Edible Woman being the best example) it would seem that she would naturally be a vegetarian.

  3. Marine Le Pen et le foie gras: le fascisme à la française | Contre-Informations — organe de presse marxiste-léniniste-maoïste Says:

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