Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Schwartzman: A “Bored To Death” Non Practicing Vegan

Jason Schwartzman: A “Bored To Death” Non Practicing Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 18th, 2009 in Film & TV, Food & Drink.

HBOs Bored To Death Premiere

There’s a new HBO comedy starring Jason Schwartzman that’s sure to keep you laughing so hard on Sunday night, you’ll forget tomorrow’s a work day.

Bored To Death features Schwartzman playing a character named Jonathan who’s girlfriend has just moved out because Jason was less than the ideal man.

“My girlfriend broke up with me because she says I smoke too much pot and drink too much white wine. But she’s right! How can you love someone if you’re in a fog all the time?”

Jonathan is also vegan-but is currently not attending services regularly.

“You know, we really should all be vegans,” Schwartman says in one episode. “I’m kind of a nonpracticing vegan.”

In real life Schwartzman loves to devour vegan cupcakes from BabyCakes bakery in NYC.

As owner Erin McKenna told us, “The first time a celebrity made it known how fond he was of BabyCakes was Jason Schwartzman. He came in once by himself the first time and then brought a whole gang of friends with him and had an eating contest in here. He was going crazy over everything–it was really fun!”

Catch the Bored to Death premiere this Sunday, September 20 at 9PM on HBO.

via nhregister.com

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