Quantcast Vegetarian StarPatrick Swayze Death: Can Diet Prevent Pancreas Cancer?

Patrick Swayze Remembered

The so called “summer of death” is getting sadder and sadder as we’ve lost another great celebrity, Patrick Swayze.

Swayze died from pancreatic cancer, but didn’t go without a good fight, even participating in the fundraiser, Stand Up 2 Cancer.

There’s no one way to prevent any disease, but some studies have linked meat fat to pancreatic cancer and a plant based diet to preventing it.

Here are some results from recent studies discussed at hattiesburgamerican.com:

  • According to a new study, fat from red meat and dairy products significantly increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Researchers analyzed the diets of more than 525,000 participants to determine whether there is an association between dietary fat and pancreatic cancer.
  • The study found no association between plant-food fat and pancreatic cancer.
  • Fruits, vegetables and other low-fat vegetarian foods could actually prevent pancreatic cancer, according to other studies.
  • One study found that consuming foods rich in flavonoids – apples, grapefruit, broccoli and berries – may decrease pancreatic cancer risk by up to 59 percent.

We hope research continues to advance one day discover how to prevent and cure this deadly disease.

Our thoughts go out to Patrick’s family and friends.

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One Response to “Patrick Swayze Death: Can Diet Prevent Pancreas Cancer?”

  1. Linda Prout Says:

    How do you explain Steve Jobs’ death from pancreatic cancer? He was vegetarian who focused mainly on organic produce and juices, and for most of his life a vegan. Once at a restaurant he mistakenly ate a bite of soup with butter and promptly spit it out. Probably all the soy he ate in vegan foods: Research shows soy inhibits pancreatic enzymes that protect us from cancer.