Quantcast Vegetarian StarErykah Badu Gives Wheeler’s Vegan Ice Cream The Press It Needs

Erykah Badu - Atlanta Concert

Celebrities are great for promoting your product.

Eh, as long as they don’t do anything too outrageous, or are caught by TMZ doing the outrageous act.

Celebrities are even better for giving food products the boost, and vegan food is no different.

A recent article at CNN touches on celebrity foodies and opens up with none other than vegan ice cream company Wheeler’s Frozen Ice Cream.

Owner of Wheeler’s, Chef Wheeler del Torro, discusses how shipping his goodies to Erykah Badu got him some exposure.

“Teaming up with someone like [Erykah] is something that is definitely good for outreach to vegans and non-vegans, because she has such mass appeal,” he said.

One of Wheeler’s custom ice creams, a $7,000 champagne flavor made with vintage Dom Perignon and sprinkled gold flakes has become popular among some rappers as well.

Vintage Dom Perignon and gold flakes?

That’s some serious vegan bling.

Wheeler is also the author of a vegan ice cream cookbook, The Vegan Scoop.

Read the entire article on celebrity foodies at cnn.com.

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