Quantcast Vegetarian StarAudrey Kitching Can Still Roll With It: Vegan Sushi Ideas

Audrey Kitching Can Still Roll With It: Vegan Sushi Ideas

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 15th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Models, Recipes.

Dita Von Teese Cointreau Teese Launch Party and Performance held at The Avalon in Hollywood, CA

Audrey Kitching revealed what foods she is crazy about in a recent interview.

“I am obsessed with Mexican food. I could eat it every single meal..oh and sushi! I am a Vegan right now. No dairy no meat no fish. It is hard but I feel great so it is well worth it.”

From her comment, it almost sounds as if Audrey had to give up one of her favorite foods to become vegan.

But anyone who rolls the Nori knows, there’s no raw fish (or cooked for that matter) required to get your sushi high.

Seasoned tempeh, tofu, or plain vegetables make the experience just as good and don’t deplete the oceans of marine wildlife.

The vegan punks in the kitchen have kindly offered their advice on making vegan sushi, along with a few recipes of vegan goodies to replace fish.

Let’s roll with it.

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