Quantcast Vegetarian StarJames Willstrop Vegetarian PSA Helps Squash Obesity

James Willstrop Vegetarian PSA Helps Squash Obesity

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 14th, 2009 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.


Britain’s #2 squash player, James Willstrop, is starring in a vegetarian PSA, letting viewers know how they can “squash” obesity.

Yeah, this is sure to cause less controversy than that other obesity ad PETA put on a billboard.

“I had first heard about PETA through Morrissey actually,” Willstrop said.

“I’m very keen to support animals, and I liked what PETA were doing, so I got in touch because I wanted to make it known that meat is totally unnecessary, and detrimental, to a world-class athlete. People laugh at me when I tell them, and I can’t for one minute believe that so many people find it perfectly natural to mercilessly slaughter animals and devour them for their own gratification. I did it once, but having seen the atrocity that is the battery farm, I want to convey to people to stop and actually think that they are eating dead, slaughtered flesh that has been battered around, tortured and plied with nasty chemicals.”

Read the entire interview with James at peta.org.

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