Quantcast Vegetarian StarAmazing Race 15 Vegans: Eric And Lisa

Amazing Race 15 Vegans: Eric And Lisa

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 10th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Reality TV.



Reality TV shows have not been kind to vegetarians or vegans.

Amazing Race Terence Gerchberg and the sheep eating challenge.

LaToya Jackson and her vegetarian needs of salmon on Celebrity Big Brother.

John Salley and his rat tail snacks on I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here.

You get the point.

But this season’s Amazing Race has a vegan couple, Eric and Lisa, who will attempt to give reality TV a try without trying frog heads while surviving in the wild.

Eric and Lisa are both yoga instructors, who own four yoga studios between the two of them.

Four studios?

Sounds like these guys get around.

Must be the all that flexibility.

As the Detroit Reality TV examiner says:

“They are both vegans which may give them some trouble if there are any food challenges as there have been in the past.  Would they eat the cuisine of a country if it was an animal?  They both want to “be the best they can be” and plan to work hard to make it through this race.  Will their yoga knowledge help them stay calm cool and collected throughout this game?”

Tune in for the season premier on Sunday September 27 at 8/7c to find out more.

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3 Responses to “Amazing Race 15 Vegans: Eric And Lisa”

  1. Xstacey Says:

    I’d never do it.

    Especially since I’m not guaranteed to come out with any prize money.

    They just have to pick the most disgusting food-all meat-to use for contests.


  2. Tarj Says:

    Eating challenges should be off limits anyway.

    Lots of people have food allergies, despite their otherwise fit physique, and this just automatically puts those people at a disadvantage.

    Regardless of the country you travel to, you can always find something veg to eat (especially since Amazing Race people don’t stay in one place long).

    Unfair to force someone to eat something against their beliefs.

  3. VN Says:

    I agree, with nuts and shell fish allergies, no never knows what will happen, and to top it off spicy food might not agree with every one.

    The least they can do is have an alternative arrangement. With no meat eating partner, the reality shows are discouraging and discriminating vegetarians and vegans.

    We really want to do the Amazing Race Asia….but they definitely have eating meat as one of the tasks – frogs,scorpions or some local delicacies.