Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhy Stic.Man Of Dead Prez Chose A Vegan Diet

Why Stic.Man Of Dead Prez Chose A Vegan Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 3rd, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Singers.

Bad Seed On Wikimedia Commons

Bad Seed On Wikimedia Commons

Stic.man of the hip hop dual Dead Prez sat down with limitemagazine.com to talk about his music.

But as you know by now, any vegetarian or vegan celebrity has to throw some veggie bits in any interview they give and Stic.man gave a little background information on why he changed his diet and lifestyle habits.

“After seeing the negative effects of the drug game, the poor fast food diets in our lives and also training in martial arts. My wife is a holistic health counselor and author of the book Vegan Soulfood Guide to the Galaxy so I live it all day everyday. My son is 8 and vegan as well.”

Stic’s wife?

None other than Afya Ibomu, who served as Erykah Badu‘s nutritionist and diet counselor during her some of her tours.

Great musical career, good looks, good woman who knows how to cook vegan…

As Rod Stewart sings “Some guys have all the luck.”

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2 Responses to “Why Stic.Man Of Dead Prez Chose A Vegan Diet”

  1. wasd Says:

    Yeah he maybe vegan which i have nothing against but at least he doesnt try to ram his beliefs down other ppls throats he cares more about ppl then animals instead of going around calling all meat eaters murders

  2. herwin Says:

    He cares equally about humans as well as animals thats why he is vegan.
    It might be uncomfortable for you, but for your meat an animal was badly abused all its life and finally brutally killed. Grow up, be a man, face reality and deal with it.