Quantcast Vegetarian StarTed Kennedy Loved His Dogs Sunny And Splash

Ted Kennedy Loved His Dogs Sunny And Splash

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 27th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Politicians.

Bipartisan Senate Leadership Discusses Immigration Bill Failure

The nation is mourning the death of what has been called the last of the great Kennedy “dynasty,” as Senator Ted Kennedy lost his battle with brain cancer Tuesday evening.

Senator Kennedy was an animal lover who owned two dogs, Splash and Sunny, who were at his side on Capitol Hill like a personal assistant or intern would be.

He was influential in several legislative measures to improve animal treatment, including ending commercial whaling, limiting antibiotic use in farm animals and increasing the penalty for dog and rooster fighting from a misdemeanor to a felony just to name a few.

We’ve not only lost a great politician and a Kennedy, we’ve lost an advocate and champion for those who can’t speak for themselves.

Good work, senator.

You will be missed.

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One Response to “Ted Kennedy Loved His Dogs Sunny And Splash”

  1. Susan Clark Says:

    Ted Kennedy, for better or worse, he spent half a decade as a servant to the people who elected him. Here is a great list of his most prominent quotes.

    Ted Kennedy Quotes