Quantcast Vegetarian StarPriscilla Presley Gets Honored At Bow Wow Wow Howlywood

Priscilla Presley Gets Honored At Bow Wow Wow Howlywood

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 24th, 2009 in Animal Issues.

Third Annual Bow Wow Wow Hollywood Party

Bet you can’t say Bow Wow Wow Howlywood three times.

Heck, we can’t even say it once.

Priscilla Presley was honored this weekend at the Much Love Animal Rescue third annual Bow Wow Wow Howlywood for her contributions towards animal care, including horse rescue.

Other stars to mingle were Jerry O’Connell, Rebecca Romijn, Denise Richards, Tori Spelling, Dean McDermott, Jaime King, Jason Lewis, Sara Ramirez, Kaley CuocoKarina Smirnoff, Diane Farr, Camryn Manheim, and Maria Menouos.

Much Love Animal Rescue is a non profit organization that works to find homes to abandoned animals all while providing shelter needs such as food and water, medicine and rehabilitation.

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