Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Wilde Should Live On Jason Mraz Avocado Farm

Olivia Wilde Should Live On Jason Mraz Avocado Farm

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 23rd, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

FOX TV TCA July 09 Party

Vegan actress Olivia Wilde has just admitted to some serious avocado loving!

“I also love avocados. I feel like I always have avocados at my house. For me, they’re nature’s gift.”

Olivia should pay a visit to vegan singer Jason Mraz’s avocado farm and maybe try his chocomole-chocolate and avocado-dessert recipe.

The House star admits she eats pretty much whatever she wants without worrying about putting on extra pounds.

Her ability to do this is probably related to the fact that vegan diets, full of lean plant based proteins like nuts, beans, and whole grain pasta and belly filling fruits and vegetables have waaaay less fat and calories than the meat and potatoes ones.

And let’s hear it for those avocados, which are full of monounsaturated “good for you” fats that help lower bad LDL cholesterol.

We think we hear some guacamole calling us from the fridge!

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