Quantcast Vegetarian StarErykah Badu Keeps Her Kids Veggie Schooled

Erykah Badu performs at the 40th New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

If you’re a vegetarian kid growing up in a butcher shop neighborhood, how do you cope with being different?

Erykah Badu gave a recent interview with babble.com, where she explained how she gives her kids all sorts of yummy alternatives when they start asking about the “M” word.

“They joke about it,” Erykah said. “And I’m sure as children they feel left out sometimes. But that’s why we provide them with alternatives. We make sure we keep a school menu on hand, and we prepare the same foods the kids at school are eating but in a healthier manner. That’s what this lifestyle provides us with. I work really hard the way I do so I can give them all the things they need without them feeling like they’re being punished. So they can have a good understanding of what it means to be healthy.”

Erykah hopes these lessons of health will continue  as the children get old enough to make their own decisions about food.

“I don’t in any way force them to have the same lifestyle, but I think they should know the benefits of having a healthy body. If they were to choose to do anything else after they become high school students, I would have full confidence that they know how to take care of their bodies and themselves. By making sure they use preventive medicine — getting plenty of water, plenty of chlorophyll and vegetable juices and good, healthy rest and activity — I know they’ll be able to take good care of themselves.”

Read how Erykah is raising the newest addition to family, Mars, on a macrobiotic diet at babble.com.

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