Quantcast Vegetarian StarJulia Child Hated Organic Food ‘Till Alice Waters Made Her Warm And Fuzzy

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Yesterday we learned that legendary chef Julia Child couldn’t understand why anyone would want to follow a vegetarian diet.

Now, we find out not only did Julia hate on tofu, she didn’t care too much for organic food either.

According to green gossip website, Ecorazzi.com, Meryl Streep, who plays Child in the movie Julie & Julia, recalled the time when she asked Julia what she thought of organic ingredients.

Child wrote Streep a pretty nasty letter saying she didn’t care for organics.

It was only later when locally grown, sustainable foods champ Alice Waters came along that the chef started to embrace the food.

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One Response to “Julia Child Hated Organic Food ‘Till Alice Waters Made Her Warm And Fuzzy”

  1. Rick Says:

    What a grumpy, old non sustainable fart!

    Just kidding 🙂

    Probably just one of those set in their ways. Glad she came around.