Quantcast Vegetarian StarLucent Dossier’s Dream Rockwell Rocks Taran Smith’s Vegan Tacos



If you have a craving for some vaudeville action, you should check out the performing dance troupe, Lucent Dossier.

If you have a craving for some vegan tacos, troupe member Dream Rockwell can direct you to the Los Angeles food stand to satisfy that urge too.

The dancer recently spoke with blackbookmag.com about her entertainment career, when she revealed she powers her endless energy from a vegan diet.

Where is the best taco truck? You’re vegan right? Can you dish on taco trucks?
Oh yes, I can actually. Playfood. The guy who runs the taco truck is Taran Smith. He makes the most amazing vegan food. He makes vegan cheese. His specialty is making vegan cheese and vegan ice cream, and they are both incredible. He makes tacos off his vegan taco truck.

Dream is talking about the raw cashew vegan cheese, Playfood, created by the former Home Improvement star, Taran Smith.

We’ll emulate Dream’s taco diet. She can keep the pyro techniques to herself, though

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One Response to “Lucent Dossier’s Dream Rockwell Rocks Taran Smith’s Vegan Tacos”

  1. Allie Says:

    I’ve heard of his foods before, but I don’t think they’re available at regular grocery stores.

    Disappointing, because I’m always on the lookout for a good vegan cheese.