Quantcast Vegetarian StarVeggie Russell Brand To Host MTV Music Awards Again

Veggie Russell Brand To Host MTV Music Awards Again

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 2nd, 2009 in Actors.

Get him To The Greek Film Set

He must be the face people don’t want to forget because for the second year in a row vegetarian actor Russell Brand has been chosen to host the MTV Music Awards on September 13, 2009 at 9PM EST.

Last year, Russell gained laughs from his many host antics, including poking fun at the Jonas brothers, and he promises to maintain his outrageous reputation.

“This year will be a controversy-free festival of love and discrete orgasms,” Brand said, according to mtv.com.

The Forgetting Sarah Marshall actor is known for his personal bad boy behavior as well as his professional humor.

He was forced to resign from the British Broadcasting Channel after making a series of on air prank phone calls to the home of actor Andrew Sachs and has claimed he slept with as many as 80 women a month.

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One Response to “Veggie Russell Brand To Host MTV Music Awards Again”

  1. James Says:

    This should be hilarious!

    I didn’t watch last year’s awards, but read the reviews.

    I should make it a goal to tune it this year.