Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama Organic Garden Not So Organic After All

First Lady Michelle Obama Holds Food And Nutrition Event In WH Garden

When First Lady Michelle Obama broke ground for her organic garden on the South Lawn of the White House, everyone with an interest in natural, sustainable food choices cheered.

But if it seems too good to be true, it probably is and recent news has revealed the garden of organic Eden is tainted with non-organic sludge.

According to the Daily Finance, the National Park Service tested the soil in the vegetable patch and found “highly elevated levels of lead” due to sewage used as fertilizer.

And just who is to blame for the contaminated fertilizer?

Democrats would like to blame a Republican conspiracy, but the perpetrators were none other than Bill and Hillary Clinton!

When the Clintons inhabited 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, their gardening team used sewage sludge for fertilizer.

And since the sewage sludge has seeped into the ground of Michelle’s garden, it cannot truly be certified with organic status.

But local sewage is still better than imported.

via buzz.yahoo.com

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3 Responses to “Michelle Obama Organic Garden Not So Organic After All”

  1. Angie Says:

    What a bummer!

    I remember when I used to buy “transitional” tofu-from soybeans that were grown on a farm in the process of being organic, but was taking a few years because of the excessive crap flowing in from other areas or that was there previously.

    Yet, it just goes to show that we really need to clean up all areas of farming because the entire Earth is connected-the waters, soil, animals…sorry for going off on a tangent but it just goes to show that everything is connected and every action effects something in one way or another.

  2. Barack Obama News » Blog Archive » Michelle Obama Organic Garden Not So Organic After All Says:

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  3. Jason Mraz Turning Avocado Farm Organic Says:

    […] was the sewage sludge used as fertilizer that got the White House Garden’s designation officially changed from “organic” […]