Quantcast Vegetarian StarOwen Wilson, Woody Harrelson “Bromance” Sparks Dialogue Questions



This lovely photograph captures Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson vacationing in Italy on a raft titled, “Wet and Wild.”

The pic conjures up all sorts of ideas in our minds, but one that particularly sticks out is what the two boys are saying to each other in the tangle.

Given the fact Owen was spotted getting takeout at a popular vegan restaurant, and now he’s hanging out with the fanatical raw vegan foodie Harrelson, seeing the two of them together makes us (wishfully) think Woody might have given Owen “the talk”…about going veg.

Since vegetarianism and veganism are ongoing dialogues, they could possibly (alright, very remotely) have been talking about the veg life at that very moment!

But what do you think they’re saying to each other?

What are Woody and Owen saying to each other on the "Wet and Wild" Raft?

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One Response to “Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson “Bromance” Sparks Dialogue Questions”

  1. Terro Says:

    That´s a great shot of those two longtime friends having fun and enjoying they´re time off.