Quantcast Vegetarian StarOur Suggestions For Making Scott Adams’ “Cheapatopia” Vegetarian

Felix M. Cobos on Flickr

Felix M. Cobos on Flickr

Scott Adams, creator of the popular office cartoon series, Dilbert, has started a series of blog posts about his ideal city, Cheapatopia.

Cheapatopia sounds a little like a town populated by the Goode family.

Everything is powered by renewable energy, there’s a strict no smoking and no junk food policy to keep health insurance rates down, and the goal is to “do more with less” while reducing consumerism.

You also never have to shovel snow and gain points for good deeds that can be redeemed for services like babysitting.

And the backbone of social interaction in Cheapatopia is the Internet. Ah, a blogger’s dream.

Of course, in an ideal world, a completely vegetarian city would do wonders for health insurance rates, but Adams doesn’t want to tick too many people off.

“I’ll stop short of suggesting that everyone must be a vegetarian, but only because that’s such a hot button.”

Hey, if this is an imaginary world, why not keep calling the shots?

In Cheapatopia, why not make every kind of animal meat available in the veg variety, still tasting like the real thing?

Would genetically altering everyone’s taste buds to dislike meat altogether be too artificial for the goal of  “simplifying” the community and lives of the citizens?

Read more about Collective Buying Power and the Homes of Cheapatopia on Scott Adam’s blog.

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