Quantcast Vegetarian StarJenny Seagrove Condemns Wallaby Cull Plan

Jenny Seagrove Condemns Wallaby Cull Plan

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 13th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

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British actress Jenny Seagrove, best know for her roles in Local Hero and Judge John Deed, has condemned a plan to kill about 60 wallabies on a Scottish island and has joined forces with animal rights campaigners to save them.

The Wallabies were introduced to the island in Lock Lomond decades ago by Fiona Bryde Colquhoun, or Lady Arran.

Officials have blamed the animals for destroying native plant species on Inchconnachan, which is nicknamed “Wallaby Island,” by locals.

“It is morally indefensible to kill the wallabies of Loch Lomond,” Seagrove said.

“This is a man-made problem and the island’s managers must take responsibility to re-home these innocent animals or to manage their numbers in non-lethal ways.”

“Taking the so-called easy way out by slaughtering the wallabies is sickening and plain wrong.”

Seagrove is a patron of the vegetarian society Viva!

A spokesperson for Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park made this statement:

“As a national park, our role is to promote, conserve and enhance Scotland’s native species for the future and we are supporting Luss Estates in producing a conservation management plan for Luss Islands that will look closely at how best to manage conservation of wildlife and habitats, including the wallabies.”

No decision has been made yet on the future of the wallabies.

via timesonline.co.uk

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