Quantcast Vegetarian StarFarm Sanctuary’s Gene Baur Says Meat Wastes Water


Vegetarian Times online has an interview with Farm Sanctuary’s President and co-founder, Gene Baur.

Farm Sanctuary works to protect and rescue farm animals throughout North America.

Not only are factory farms cruel to animals, they’re wasting our water more than a fully running faucet during teeth brushing time!

“Water is a precious resource. There is a 10:1 ratio in terms of water resources necessary for meat production versus vegetarian food production. The “externalities” or external costs of factory farms include polluted surface and ground water due to untreated manure lagoons that are basically just liquid waste. There was a theory that anaerobic decomposition would decay it all. However, when it rains, these lagoons overflow. This also causes a destruction of property values because of the stench.”

Read Gene’s entire interview at VegetarianTimes.com.

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