Quantcast Vegetarian StarEd Begley Jr. Gets His Own Treehugger.com Forum

Ed Begley Jr. Gets His Own Treehugger.com Forum

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 9th, 2009 in Actors, Environment-Eco-Green.

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The granddaddy of all green, known for his home solar panels and getting around with his bum on a bicycle now has his own forum on the green and environmental site, treehugger.com.

This is a place where you can leave questions that Ed Begley Jr. himself will personally answer.

The forum is structured around this vegan’s upcoming book, Ed Begley Jr.’s Guide To Sustainable Living, which will be available September 8.

From treehugger.com:

“In the forum you can learn about Conservation, Production, and Management of resources in your life. You can ask Ed questions, view exclusive video and photos, learn about products Ed officially endorses or just personally loves.”

“Now Ed’s a busy guy, so it may take a little bit to get an answer to your questions, but we have a lot of helpful members and moderators, not to mention other forums where you might find interesting discussions.”

People are already asking questions about green investment clubs, air conditioning versus evaporative coolers, composting, and clean water issues.

Our favorite question so far is this one:

“Why don’t you ever talk about being a vegan? I have to assume you are, since you obviously are one of the leaders (or at least the biggest star) of the green movement. Do you feel there is too much of a stigma around it? Why not at least say “I try to be a vegetarian sometimes.” Bare in mind I am saying this as a fan of yours since the days of you as DJ’s principle on Roseanne. Perhaps you have talked about in print, but I am specifically referring to your reality show on Planet Green.”

Hey, we know Ed talks about his vegetarianism. But agree he should do it more often.

Visit the Ed Begley Jr. forum and post your questions now!

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