Quantcast Vegetarian StarVeg Radio Host Casey Kasem Does His Final Countdown

Veg Radio Host Casey Kasem Does His Final Countdown

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 8th, 2009 in Radio Hosts.

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Casey Kasem, radio host known for counting down the top music hits on “American Top 40,” did his final countdown on his “American Top 20” radio show this weekend.

His fans are clutching their hearts, as Kasem didn’t even do an official farewell or give advance notice.

“He’s never been big on goodbyes or hellos, he lets his work speak for himself,” his wife said, in an interview with ABC news.

Besides radio, Kasem gave his voice to cartoon characters, with his most famous gig being the voice of dog Scooby-Doo’s human sidekick, Shaggy.

Kasem once said, “What’s terrific today is the idea that as a vegetarian you are not only making a contribution to the animals, but also to your health and the safety of the planet.”

Wherever his next endeavors lead him, one thing’s for sure. As his slogan sign-off says, he’ll keep his “feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”

via abcnews.go.com

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3 Responses to “Veg Radio Host Casey Kasem Does His Final Countdown”

  1. Brent Says:

    Man, he looks good for his age. He’s in his 70s.

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