Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichaelle Jean Causes Rise In Seal Meat Popularity

Canadas Governor General welcomes Japans Imperial Couple

Bad news for seals everywhere.

In May, Canada’s governor general Michaelle Jean was taped by the media eating a raw seal heart she personally killed.

This, in combination with the recent European Union ban on imports of Canadian seal products has contributed to an increase in the request for seal meat at restaurants in Canada.

From the New York Times:

“The episode, which prompted extensive news media coverage in Canada, also cast a spotlight on seal-serving chefs like Mr. Lenglet. With the attention has come an increase in orders for Mr. Lenglet’s seal dishes, but also death threats, in the form of e-mail messages from Europe, where seal hunting protests have been most intense.”


Mr. Lenglet is the owner of Canadian restaurant Au Cinquième Péché in Montreal.

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