Quantcast Vegetarian StarLee Ann Wong, Other Celebrity Chefs Compete For Veggie U

Lee Ann Wong, Other Celebrity Chefs Compete For Veggie U

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 6th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Bravos First A-List Awards - Arrivals

Several celebrity chefs will compete in a cookoff at the 7th annual Food & Wine Celebration to benefit Veggie U on July 18 at the Culinary Vegetable Institute, 12304 State Rt. 13 in Milan, Ohio

Executive chef James Briscione, winner of the Food Network’s Chopped competition; executive chef Paula DaSilva, finalist of Gordon Ramsey’s Hell’s Kitchen, and executive chef Lee Anne Wong, producer and former contestant of Bravo’s Top Chef will compete to raise funds to distribute Veggie U’s “Earth To Table” science kits provided to fourth-grade classrooms in Ohio and 23 other states.

Judges include foodie notables such as Michael Ruhlman, author and judge on the Food Network’s Next Iron Chef America; executive chef Alex Guarnaschelli of Butter restaurant in New York; Fred Griffith of Cleveland’s WKYC-TV, and Bruce Seidel of the Food Network.

According to its website, “The mission of Veggie U is to promote the well-being of children through a healthy lifestyle. Veggie U is dedicated to the creation and distribution of curricula nationally, with a focus on making wise food choices, combating adolescent and juvenile disease, and attaining an understanding of sustainable agriculture.”

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit veggieu.org.

via toledoblade.com

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