Quantcast Vegetarian StarRace Car Driver Leilani Munter One Of 10 Reasons To Love USA

Photo Credit: Craig Davidson

Photo Credit: Craig Davidson

Besides the whole Freedom of Speech thing, NYC, and baseball, name some great things about the United States of America.

Add Leilani Munter to your list, as the vegetarian race car driver who races with divisions of both NASCAR and IndyCar has made Reader’s Digest’s 10 Reasons to Love Our Country.

“Münter, 33, who’s both a stock-car and open-wheel driver, has made it her mission to “green” big-time auto racing—which, at 100 million strong, may have the most enthusiastic fan base on the planet. Her goals: renewable biofuels and recycled tires for the cars and recycling programs at the tracks. For doubters, she has a message: “Never underestimate a vegetarian hippie chick with a race car.””

Leilani consistently delivers her message as an environmentalist through public speaking engagements, interviews, and her website, carbonfreegirl.com.

Not to mention she’s lightening her carbon footprint every time she sits down at the dinner table and consumes a plant based meal.

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,” she said, “are the ones who end up doing it.”

What can we say? We love those crazy girls.

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