Quantcast Vegetarian StarGwyneth Paltrow Makes Veggie B.L.T. Fancy With Avocado

Gwyneth Paltrow Makes Veggie B.L.T. Fancy With Avocado

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 26th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

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The current recipe entry in Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop newsletter features a vegan B.L.T., or BLAT (Bacon Lettuce Avocado and Tomato) complete with her favorite mayonnaise substitute, Vegenaise.

Gwyneth says it best in the introduction to the recipe:

“This MAKE is for my no-dairy, no-meat, no-white flour (if you omit the croutons) loving friends who are looking for a quick, casual summer lunch. Proof that vegan food rocks!”

Yes, girlfriend, this sandwich does rock, and there’s a beautiful food porn picture of the stacked vegan goodness at Goop.com.

Gwyneth compliments that BLAT entry with un-Caesar salad-Caesar salad minus egg yolks and anchovies-and homemade rosemary and thyme croutons.

It’s all washed down with agave sweetened lemonade.

The best thing about veggie bacon is that it’s missing all the fatty sections that regular bacon has in it, so you get more “meat” in your bite. A good brand to check out is Lightlife Smart Bacon.

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One Response to “Gwyneth Paltrow Makes Veggie B.L.T. Fancy With Avocado”

  1. M Says:

    I love avocado on everything!

    It’s been awhile since I had a veggie bacon B.L.T. I’ll have to try this on the next grocery visit.