Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhy Exotic Vegenaise Drives Gwyneth Paltrow To Blog About It

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Friends and family of Gwyneth Paltrow, including Coldplay hubby Chris Martin, have become concerned over Gwyneth’s new strenuous health regime.

“She is obsessive about everything associated with her body,” a source said.

“Even Madonna is concerned. Gwyneth has been studying body-cleansing in earnest. She’s read a hundred books and talked to lots of doctors and experts.”

Part of her “obsessive” routine is blogging on her website Goop about “exotic meat substitutes” like Vegenaise, the UK Daily Mail had reported.

First, Vegenaise isn’t an exotic meat substitute, it’s a vegan mayonnaise substitute. Second, what’s so darn exotic about it?

After checking out the website, our favorite, the Grapeseed oil variety, contains the following: Grapeseed Oil, filtered water, apple cider vinegar, brown rice syrup, soy protein, sea salt, lemon juice concentrate, and mustard flour.

Sounds pretty simple. No eggs. No dairy. No nine syllable preservatives you can’t pronounce. Not to mention gluten-free, kosher, and no GMOs. And zero of that cholesterol junk regular mayonnaise contains.

Soooo not that exotic. But still so good.

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2 Responses to “Why Exotic Vegenaise Drives Gwyneth Paltrow To Blog About It”

  1. Allie Says:

    Vegenaise is delicious on a seitan sandwich. I also use it on my eggless tofu salad, tator tots…just about everything and YES, I do put mayonnaise on my french fries and tator tots.

    No, I am not that weird.

  2. Crystal (Cafe Cyan) Says:

    Darn, and here I thought there was a new variety of Vegenaise.