Quantcast Vegetarian StarVictoria Beckham Slammed For Sporting Hermes Bags

Victoria Beckham Slammed For Sporting Hermes Bags

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 21st, 2009 in Fashion, Female Singers.

**RESTRICTIONS APPLY** Victoria Beckham arrives at Londons Heathrow airport carrying her favorite purple Hermes Kelly handbag

The former Posh Spice is known for her fashion statements, including her handbags, but one bag in particular is giving the folks of PETA the creeps.

Victoria Beckham has been spotted carrying a Hermes bag around town. Hermes is a company that uses crocodile skin in its products, and has recently started to breed its own crocs for the fashion line.

“We will send Victoria Beckham, a compassionate person who won’t wear fur, our undercover footage that shows how alligators and crocodiles are beaten to death and how snakes are nailed to trees and skinned alive for these products,” the animal rights group stated.

“The mere thought of purposefully breeding and killing crocodiles for an outdated, overpriced handbag should make any fashionista’s skin crawl.”

Vegetarian Victoria has made statements in the past, denouncing fur and claims the only fur products she wears are fake.

via contactmusic.com

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