Quantcast Vegetarian StarHolly Madison No Model PETA Citizen

Holly Madison No Model PETA Citizen

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 19th, 2009 in Fur, Models.


Holly Madison may be the The Girl Next Door, but she’s no model PETA spokesperson.

And PETA’s okay with that.

When the animal rights group approached her to do an anti-fur ad, she told them she wasn’t even thinking of giving up eating meat.

“I’m not a hardcore PETA person,” she said. “When they approached me to do the ad, I made it clear to them that I’m not a vegetarian, and I’ve got leather seats in my car. I said I would support that ad campaign, but I wasn’t their model citizen, and they were fine with that.”

Hey, at least she didn’t turn around and do a burger ad afterwards.

One could stir a nice little debate up on whether we should praise celebrities who take seemingly opposite stances on animal issues. What do you think? Is it okay for celebrities to partake in certain animal rights campaigns and not others. If steak eating Ted Nugent decided he wanted to go naked, would you want it (for the animals, not for pleasure, that is)?

via lasvegasweekly.com

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