Quantcast Vegetarian StarChe Granddaughter Lydia Guevara Joins Vegetarian Revolution


As part of the launch to promote vegetarianism in South America, the granddaughter of the late Argentine revolutionary idol Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Lydia Guevara, will star in a PETA ad in October.

Lydia is a vegetarian who will be photographed with her grandfather’s trademark beret lined with carrots instead of bullets.

The slogan for the ad will be, “Join the Vegetarian Revolution.”

“PETA’s fight for animals was one of the reasons why I went vegetarian,” Lydia told the Spanish news agency Efe.

“Moreover, this lifestyle has become a true revolution that is attracting more people and is an alternative that is healthier for the planet and for humankind.”

Speaking of attractive, how about the arms on Lydia? So sleek and toned, she gives the diet a good name and Michelle Obama’s “arms of steel” a run for their money.

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One Response to “Che Granddaughter Lydia Guevara Joins Vegetarian Revolution”

  1. John Mayer Says:

    I’m no fan of PeTA. But I’d buy one of these posters. But I think I’ll wait for the “iconic” duotone T-Shirt.