Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Christie Brinkley And Artichokes Go Way Back

Christie Brinkley Chairs the NOFA-NY Organic Food from Farm to Family Lunch

“For most of my life I’ve had a thing for the artichoke, because it was such an exciting vegetable. You could do so much with it. I first saw it on television, on “The Little Rascals.” I had my own artichoke plate, with a place for the heart to sit. To this day I still go crazy for them. But I also eat broccoli every day, it’s like taking a vitamin. And I like leafy green vegetables. But artichokes and I go way back.”

—-Model Christie Brinkley, at a fund-raising luncheon for the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York. Brinkley became vegetarian at 13 and convinced the whole family to follow her lead. She recently starred in a Got Milk? ad.

via nysun.com

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Christie Brinkley And Artichokes Go Way Back”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I’d like to know how she convinced her whole family to go veg!