Quantcast Vegetarian StarMcCartneys Launch Meatless Monday Campaign: A Family Affair

McCartney Family Launch Meat Free Monday - Photocall

Paul McCartney has said in the past that everyone should at least have a Meat Free Monday, or one day of the week where meat isn’t consumed to lessen the impact of the industry on the planet.

Now the whole McCartney family is getting in on the game, with daughters Mary and Stella backing dear ol’ dad.

The family has been giving Meat Free Monday a lot of press interviews lately, including one with Sky News, where Paul made an attempt to crack a cow fart joke by saying, “A cow walks into a bar…”

Glad he wasn’t able to finish it.

Cows passing gas in the fields are responsible for more greenhouse emissions than cars on the roads.

To learn more about Meat Free Mondays visit supportmfm.org.

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