Quantcast Vegetarian StarDilbert Creator Scott Adams Says Food Is Solution To Every Crisis

Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Says Food Is Solution To Every Crisis

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 15th, 2009 in Cartoonists.

Felix M. Cobos on Flickr

Felix M. Cobos on Flickr

Afternoon pop quiz:

What do the economic crisis, water shortages, global warming, healthcare, and energy all have in common?

Give up? The answer, according to Dilbert creator Scott Adams, is food!

Simply put, Adams thinks that if we start making healthier choices with our food, these problems will resolve on their own.

On his blog, much like cartoonist Dan Piraro, Adams like to dabble in veg related issues from time to time.

Going veg would solve many problems, says Adams, only creating the tiny inconveniences of ticked off meat farmers and 200 year old senior citizens who haven’t kicked the bucket because they’re so healthy.

“Healthy eating would have a huge impact on healthcare costs. It would be partially offset by people living longer, but I have to think multiple sports injuries cost less than one heart bypass operation. And I read somewhere that 40% of mortgage foreclosures are caused by health problems. (Anyone have a link for that?) So in the short run, until the world is overrun by 200-year old marathoners collecting Social Security, the economy would be better off if people ate right. And that would free up money to insure the uninsured.”

“Now imagine that cattle are taken out of the food chain. Suddenly you don’t need to cut down the rain forests to create new pastures, and the cost of food would drop because veggies are much cheaper than cows. Preserving trees would help the environment, which is also good for the economy. Beef suppliers wouldn’t be too happy about this situation, so that is one offset to consider. But your food bill would be substantially lower.”

Read Adams’ remaining explanations of how vegetarianism can solve the world’s biggest problems at Dilbert.com.

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One Response to “Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Says Food Is Solution To Every Crisis”

  1. LKL Says:

    “And I read somewhere that 40% of mortgage foreclosures are caused by health problems.”

    It’s worse than that – Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankrupts: http://www.reuters.com/article/vcElection08/idUSTRE5530Y020090604