Quantcast Vegetarian StarPink No Non-Drinking Vegetarian: Enjoys Aussie VB Beer

Pink Plays Perth

Ingrid Newkirk once said she hated people thinking being vegan meant being a “pure” vegetarian and not drinking or going to church every week.

Singer Pink’s not vegan, but she’s proving vegetarians can have a cold one at the end of the day.

While on tour recently in Australia, she told a reporter that while she prefers to eat vegetarian meals, she kept her concert cooler stocked with VB, Victoria Bitter beer.

Victoria Bitter hasn’t been investigated by the veg friendly alcohol folks at Barnivore.com, so we’re not sure if it’s vegan approved or not. Anyone care to tell?

Update: Victoria Bitter NOT vegetarian or vegan. See comments!

via news.com.au/couriermail

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4 Responses to “Pink No Non-Drinking Vegetarian: Enjoys Aussie VB Beer”

  1. Allie Says:

    Looks like she had a few Aussie beers before she chose that outfit. WTF?!

  2. Someone from Australia Says:

    VB is not vegan or vegetarian.
    It’s owned by Fosters and all of their beers are non-vegan.
    They have “…a collagen based process aid, derived from Australian beef.”



    Most other beers in Australia are vegan.

  3. Veg Star Staff Says:

    Thanks “Someone From Australia.” Sounds like she needs to get herself a new fave beer! Cool map as well!

  4. maya Says:

    I love PINK, but I hate when ppl profess to be vegan/vegetarian and do not really live their beliefs.