Quantcast Vegetarian StarCharlize Theron Fights Pet Breedism

Charlize Theron Fights Pet Breedism

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 12th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

The Simon Wiesenthal Centers Annual National Tribute Dinner

Singer-songwriter Nellie McKay told us last month during our interview with her that people need to forget the breeds and go for the mutts!

Charlize Theron agrees!

The actress recently donned a “Fight Breedism” T-shirt while walking along the beach with a cute, celebrity mutt alongside her.

Theron was modeling a new T-Shirt available through PETA, which can be purchased online.

The shirt educates as well as makes a fashion statement, including facts like 8 million cats and dogs taken to animal shelters, but less than half are ever adopted.

We don’t have to go into details about what happens to the ones that aren’t adopted, do we?

Get your shirt and spread the word that buying animals really does kill them.

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