Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley Quits Worm Eating Contest: I’m A Celebrity Updates

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So we’re tracking John Salley‘s dietary habits on I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, to see how well he sticks to his vegan regime in the jungle.

An early episode had John and Heidi Pratt duking it out in an eating contest that involved a rat’s tail. No points for staying vegan that week, John.

However, on last night’s episode, John was set to compete in yet another contest, jungle worm eating, but quit.

Did the bad press get to him? Or did he just decide it wasn’t worth giving up his principles to be able to smoke Sanjaya?

John lost the lovely privilege of getting to eat leaf cutter ants, bull’s testicle, and cow tongue in the next rounds.

In case you care, Heidi and Spencer quit the show again

via blog.zap2it.com

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