Quantcast Vegetarian StarA.J. Jamal Doesn’t Curse When He Finds Bacon In His Soup

A.J. Jamal on Myspace

A.J. Jamal on Myspace

If you like to do it old school on Sundays, have we got the story for you.

Anyone remember watching In Living Color? If so, you remember A.J. Jamal, who got his big break after replacing Keenen Ivory Wayans. Jamal now rests his funny bones at Comedy Central

Removing potty mouths from the stage, A.J. says he likes to keep his show clean and doesn’t curse at all when he’s not performing. He also keeps his body clean and is a vegan.

“I could have been a hippie,” said Jamal. “I’m one of those spiritual walking beings. I’ve never cursed offstage. I’ve never cursed, never tasted alcohol and been a vegan almost all my life. Never tried drugs. It’s just part of my nature. Now my mama, she cussed up a storm.”

Never cursed offstage? C’mon, A.J. Not even when you order the potato soup and find out the menu leaves off the key ingredient of BACON in it? You just politely tell the staff to bring you something else?

A stronger man than most will be. 

via mysanantoniaentertainment.com

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