Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Names Vegan Restaurant “V-Bites”

Heather Mills Speaks At Viva! The Incredible Veggie ShowHeather Mills just dropped the V word.

She announced recently that the name of her new vegan restaurant housed in an old fish eatery will be named “V-Bites,” which we can only assume is short for Vegan Bites.

After hearing what Mills plans to incorporate into V-Bites, it sounds if Paul McCartney’s ex wants a restaurant and learning center all rolled into one.

The restaurant will feature several rooms, including an interactive center where children can learn about fruits and vegetables through touch screen programs on a computer.

“It’s for everybody,” she said, according to theargus.co.uk. “It will be very family orientated during the day but it will be for all ages. My grandmother lived here for 38 years so I really want it to be somewhere elderly people can go as well.”

“It is going to be really funky, with nice music and ambiance and good staff.”

We’re thrilled that Heather’s plans are finally coming to fruition, but we hope she’s not getting in over her head. In addition to the restaurant and learning center, she wants an outdoor ice rink in the winter. And we thought this was just going to be a restaurant, not a mall. Perhaps it’s her way of encouraging exercise as well as healthy eating.

But all is good in the land of vegan food, so we’ll be cheering for Heather long after she opens her doors for business.

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2 Responses to “Heather Mills Names Vegan Restaurant “V-Bites””

  1. Heather Mills New Funky Vegan Eatery To Be Called “V-Bites” // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] vegetarianstar No […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Heather Mills Giving Samples of V-Bites At Brighton Foodie Festival Says:

    […] Mills will be giving visitors a taste of what they’ll receive once her new vegan restaurant, V-Bites, opens. She might also be sharing some dirty secrets of her ex, Paul […]