Ziggy Marley: A little Meat In Kids’ Diet Is “All Good”
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 11th, 2009 in Children, Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Not So Vegetarian.
What’s a parent to do? You’re a vegetarian, trying to bring your kids up that way, but all the screaming munchkin is asking for is MEAT.
If you’re Ziggy Marley, you give in from time to time.
And Erykah Badu thought she had it bad just because her daughter wouldn’t stop begging for vegan snacks.
Ziggy, musician and son of legendary Bob Marley, spoke with Celebrity Baby Blog and said that although he is very picky about food and tries to keep his children on a vegetarian diet like he is, sometimes he gives in.
“I’m kind of cool — I let them eat some meat,” Ziggy said. “It’s all good.”
There’s always the debate over whether to raise a child vegetarian from birth.
Lord of the Rings star Andy Serkis won’t do it. Diane Keaton’s not too enthusiastic either.
Some say it isn’t fair to enforce any lifestyle on a child until it’s old enough to decide. Looks like Ziggy’s kids know what they want. But should he give it to them?
With the range of fake meats on the market, there’s nothing little Daniel, Justice, Zuri, Judah, and Gideon can’t ask for that doesn’t come in an animal-free variety.
What do you guys think? Is it “all good” for a vegetarian parent to give into a child’s meat wishes occasionally?
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May 12th, 2009 at 9:20 am
Oh, no it is sooo not all cool. Ziggy, I have lost some respect for you, man. Just a little, but still…
Just feed them fake meat-but not too often. How do they even know what it tastes like if he’s been veg so long. Did a relative sneak some in and corrupt them?
May 12th, 2009 at 1:36 pm
It’s uncool. Feeding your kid poison is child abuse. Parents are suppose to teach their kids about nutrition and being kind to animals.I was fed crap as a kid and I got sick all the time.
May 12th, 2009 at 4:20 pm
He’s probably just figuring that they are going to try to eat it anyway and by giving them small amounts here and there, maybe they’ll at least grow up to eat a mostly vegetarian diet, which is better than nothing.
It is interesting to think how they ever were introduced to the flavor, though…If you never know it, how would you miss and want it?
May 15th, 2009 at 12:02 pm
I don’t agree with the logic. As parents we are required to take THE best care of our children as possible. Giving children meat knowing the problems it causes to our health, the earth and animals is not very responsible.
Kids are going to want things that they are not supposed to have whether it be meat or candy before dinner. What if parent’s took such a relaxed approach to drugs?
As adults it is our job to set the rules and enforce them. By not eating something that was once alive is in no way being mean to your child.
March 8th, 2010 at 7:37 am
Dear Ziggy,
If you know cocaine ain’t good, would you let you kids have some every day till they can decide when they’re old enough whether they want dope or not? It’s about what kind of values you wanna instill in your kids, it’s about what kind or world we aspire to shape or reshape, it’s about right and wrong. It’s about Love.
One Love! One Heart! / Let’s get together and feel all right. / Hear the children (our animal friends) cryin’ (One Love!); / Hear the children (our animal friends) cryin’ (One Heart!), / Sayin’: give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right; / Sayin’: let’s get together and feel all right. Wo wo-wo wo-wo! ~ Bob Marley
Love for all beings.
Be Vegan & Save The Planet.
July 3rd, 2011 at 8:53 pm
I think if the child wants to eat meat, they shouldn’t be denied that right, but they should be told of what it can do to them and be offered meat free substitutes instead. I approve of what Ziggy says, he promotes freedom, and respects what his children want. The problem is that eating meat is the norm in this society, therefore it is easier for them to get it and they may feel like it is extremely unfair that they cannot have it. It is better to at least give them a little and allow them to know that you are listening to them and that you can compromise rather than withholding it at all. I am a pescitarian, but I wouldn’t like my parents for pushing a lifestyle on me, and I didn’t when it came to smoking weed, so I rebelled, just as I would have if I wasn’t able to eat meat. But I believe with the right teachings, a child will choose to be a vegetarian on their own.