Elijah Wood Stealing Vegetarian Compliments From Tobey Maguire
Written by Vegetarian Star on April 29th, 2009 in Actors.
Elijah Wood is such a meat eating fraud.
The actor was printing photos at Cosco when a fan approached him and complimented him on sticking to his vegetarian diet for so long.
Elijah isn’t a vegetarian, and later he realized the fan had mistaken him for Tobey Maguire.
Elijah went along with it anyway.
Boo, boo, and triple boo!
Elijah is no Tobey Maguire. He is not an obsessive Real Food Daily patron. He does not hang at Prop 2 parties with his fellow veggie and animal rights peeps.
If Elijah wants his vegetarian compliments, he should earn it like every other meatless celeb does: Go veg!
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April 29th, 2009 at 3:25 pm
They do look alike.
November 15th, 2009 at 11:16 am
Elijah is a vegan. You have internet access, Einstein. Look it up. He has been for quite awhile. As far as ‘stealing’ other people’s compliments is concerned, Daniel Radcliffe did the same thing to him, and he didn’t get offended and over-sensitive. Because unlike you, he isn’t suffering from permanent pms. I would like to go vegan too. But vegetarianism is out of the question. Vegetarians are angry and rude people – like Christian Bale, Tobey Maquire and YOU!
November 15th, 2009 at 11:37 am
Hello Zuleka,
Some sources do say Elijah is vegetarian. However, the article we obtained the story from cited he was neither vegetarian nor on Jay Leno.
Celebrities, like everyday people, sometimes change their diets, so we were going on the most recent bit of information.
Also, when we said “stealing,” we were just joking around.
The catty comments aren’t meant to be taken seriously (in most cases
Primarily we aim to entertain while supplying you with information about the vegetarian lifestyle.
June 30th, 2010 at 10:29 pm
Blah blah blah
who cares if he’s a veg head or not i don’t care if he went along with the gag and like other people i think animal rights people are rude arrogant pushy self righteous and annoying.
so blah
August 4th, 2010 at 12:11 pm
hey cow eater stop it! you are the self righteous here! if you don’t care about animal suffering you have nothing to do on here! people like you are the ruin of this planet!
and for the editor: i think that i was reading maybe on petafiles or ecorazzi that elijah wood eats vegan cookies! so it’s probable that he really is a vegetarian or vegan! anyhow i think that he is not a great meat eater anyhow because in a french review he said in an interview that he likes most potatoes! would it be too difficult if you ask him personally?
October 6th, 2010 at 12:02 pm
Amazing how meat eaters become defensive and ugly in the face of vegetarianism – this is because of two things, A – they know that eating meat is wrong and, B – eating meat makes one aggressive (proven). Now dude go off and let that cow/pig/chicken rot in your gut for 7 days – oh and BTW – were you man enough to kill it yourself?
November 26th, 2010 at 1:16 pm
I agree with Jozie’s comment (except I want to try to clear up the last bit). I think what she means is that it’s hypocritical and cowardly to pay the meat industry to kill and process an animal for you, so that you can stay in your thick-skulled state of denial about what it really means to take a life for your own consumption. Killing the animals yourself does not make you more manly. There isn’t a real man or a real woman alive who would ever even consider eating meat or abusing animals in any way.
P.S. “cow eater,” (and anyone else who thinks like that), do you believe that the people who fought against slavery, or the people who locked up Jeffery Dahmer for being a cannibal were, “rude arrogant pushy self righteous and annoying?” Because, although we are fighting for other species’s protection, what we are fighting for is no different.
November 27th, 2010 at 4:22 am
I’m not sure that link is credible.
December 29th, 2010 at 9:50 am
Hey, Hello dudes & dudesse’s, Just to tell U all I’ve been vegetarian since about 19 years & Vegan since August 2010 (After watchin’ all those video’s of what horror animals go through for me to eat cheese eggs ect, made me take the leap, & if you eat properly their is absolutely no need to eat animal products) I don’t hate meat eater’s, I was once one, & so are some of my friends, but when I see people ordering “Veal” or “Fois Gras” it does upset me because if those people just took a few minutes to see what these animals go through ect ect, I just bought an exclelent book entitled “Eating Animals” by “Jonathan Safran Foer” that tells it as it is without preachin’ plus he’s a GR8 storyteller & writer
Have a good day everyone & enjoy life
All de Best – Peadar
May 19th, 2011 at 4:07 pm
I’ve been noticing that a lot of male celebrities are going vegan. I can ALWAYS tell when someone is a vegan. ALWAYS. How I can tell is, they look like the walking dead. They have red lines under their eyes, pale skin, lips are very pale, jaw bones sunk in. Don’t give me that shit where “awe that’s bigot thinking, not all vegans are like that, that’s ignorant thinking.” NO IT’S 100% true. Look at everybody who is a vegan, Look at their lips, Around their eyes, Skin color. They tend to look very sick and gray looking. haha stupid immature people with very little intelligence.
December 20th, 2011 at 8:43 pm
Rockelle: I’m vegan & hot. I rest my case.
June 1st, 2012 at 9:53 am
Wow, what is up with the tone of this article?
Are you trying to upset Elijah Wood and make him never want to go vegetarian?
I think it’s better that he chose to accept the compliment rather than rejecting it.
It indicates a very real possibility that he considers a vegetarian diet a positive thing that he’s happy to be associated with.
And, knowing Elijah, after the encounter, he undoubtedly took into strong consideration whether or not he should drop meat from his diet and may very well be in the process of doing so.
It’s important that you keep in mind that, just by dropping meat from their diet, a celebrity like Elijah is likely to do more good for the planet and animals than the combined lifetime efforts of ten thousand hardcore activists.
That’s just the sort of world we currently live in.
Celebrities like Elijah have tremendous power to remove stigmas from unpopular things. They have tremendous power to combat the extremely well-funded efforts of the heartless, murderous meat & dairy industry.
Just keep the comments about such celebrities nice and hope that they learn the truth about meat & drop it from their diet.
March 23rd, 2015 at 9:15 pm
I have nothing against people who eat meat . Everyone has his/her own opinions and whether you are a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, you don’t have the right to criticize people who don’t have the same eating habits as yours