Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills’ Veggie Shrimp Turned Boyfriend Jamie Walker Vegan

Heather Mills Speaks At Viva! The Incredible Veggie Show
Guess Elsa Maneiro didn’t know what she was talking about when she predicted Heather Mills’ boyfriend,  Jamie Walker, would never go vegan.

Walker is reportedly vegan, thanks to Heather trying out her magical food goodies on him, including a vegan shrimp she claims to have developed.

“You can’t even snog a meat eater,” Mills said, according to splashnewsonline.celebuzz.com.

“It took three months to get my boyfriend vegan. He’s a big, muscly guy so it’s quite easy to convert people.”

Heather has recently launched her vegan food range, Mighty Meatless Meals in Minutes, so it’s safe to assume Walker was a guinea pig in developing the entrees.

Ah, she makes it sound so easy. Have you tried to convert your significant other or any other close friend or relative to vegetarianism or veganism? What was the result?

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2 Responses to “Heather Mills’ Veggie Shrimp Turned Boyfriend Jamie Walker Vegan”

  1. Yani Says:

    I turned my husband (then fiance) vegetarian (not vegan, like myself). It was easy. It was either no meat or no marriage. Ha. Guess he must have been whipped.

    Seriously, though fake meats are a lifesaver (pun intended) for both keeping a meat eater vegetarian and for the animals.

  2. Natasha Says:

    How the hell did she do that??? She ‘s so lucky! I wish I could get people to understand how animals do not want to be tortured and how awesome veganism is.
    Nobody listens to me at all. This city sucks you know what.