Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Sea Shepherd Paul Watson Manipulates Media. Duh!

2008 Summer TCA Tour - Day 3
“People say I manipulate the media. Well, duh. We live in a media culture so why on earth wouldn’t I? What we do is provide the media with the kind of stories they can’t resist, even if they really try, and this is how we bring attention to what’s happening to the whales, the seals, the sharks and the other marine conservation campaigns we’re involved in. The oceans are dying in our lifetime and it’s not for want of laws and regulations. The problem is enforcement. Governments are not enforcing the laws, so we have to.”

—-Captain Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and leader of the Steve Irwin boat that sails the Southern Ocean and attempts to stop Japanese whalers from capturing and killing whales.

The Sea Shepherd crew’s adventures can be seen on the Animal Planet reality TV show Whale Wars.

via telegraph.co.uk

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Sea Shepherd Paul Watson Manipulates Media. Duh!”

  1. Matt Says:

    Paul Watson is a trip!

    Although his tactics are goofy, his management sloppy, and his demeanor arrogant, you have to admit he gets the job done.

    For that, I’d like to shake his hand.