Quantcast Vegetarian StarIggy Pop Wants Animals Out Of Circus: Praises U of M Officials

V Festival 2007 - Day 2

Iggy Pop might act like an animal on stage, but he knows there’s no room for them in the circus.

Iggy recently wrote a letter to the University of Michigan in support of their decision to ban the circus from campus after officials there learned of the horrors the animals often endure.

Who knew hardcore rocker Iggy had such a soft spot? An excerpt from the letter:

As a Michigan native, I was thrilled when my friends at PETA told me about the Michigan State Board of Trustees’ compassionate decision to ban animal circuses from campus in 2009. I hope that you will consider making this a permanent policy.

As students who are concerned with animal welfare have told you, performing animals are deprived of everything that is natural to them, including the ability to roam, forage, and form families and friendships. Circus trainers beat, shock, and whip animals such as tigers, bears, and animals to make them perform tricks that are confusing and meaningless to them.

Read the rest of Iggy’s letter to the University of Michigan.

via blog.peta.org.uk

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3 Responses to “Iggy Pop Wants Animals Out Of Circus: Praises U of M Officials”

  1. Smitz Says:

    Yeah, I had no idea Iggy Pop was an animal rights dude. You do realize how much this kicks ass don’t you? He is a rock legend!

  2. herwin Says:

    thats great and heartwarming that a rock legend like Iggy takes a stand against animal abuse.

  3. Serena Says:

    Yeah, I had no idea Iggy Pop was an animal rights dude. You do realize how much this kicks ass don’t you? He is a rock legend! [2]!!!

    : D