Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Salim Stoudamire Or John Salley

Two professional basketball players are up for grabs today. Both gentlemen have been making news headlines lately. Salim Stoudamire won’t eat anything with a momma and is just beginning his career after signing a multi year contract with the Milwaukee Bucks . John Salley is already a legend and spends his free time donating veggie burgers to kids. So between the two, who would you rather do…

Arizona Wildcats v UAB Blazers
Fall 2007 - Around Smashbox - Day 4

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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One Response to “Who Would You: Salim Stoudamire Or John Salley”

  1. Allie Says:

    Wow. Bout time you got some athletic eye candy for us to vote on! Can I pick both? 🙂